SAFAR products
AIR QUALITY: Location Specific current and 1-3 days advance Air Quality Forecasting. Advisories for Human Health. For PM1, PM10, PM2.5, O3, NO2, NO, NOx, CO, BC, OC, Hg, Benzene, Toulene, Xylene WEATHER: Location Specific current and 1-3 days advance weather Forecasting. For Temperature, Rainfall, Humidity, Winds speed, wind direction, UV-Radiations. HARMFUL RADIATION: Location Specific current UV-index Information at city level. Advisories for impact of Human Skin EMISSION SCENARIO: Generating emission load by various pollution sources at 1km x 1km resolution at city level for hot spot and mitigation. Forecast & warning dissemination system In developing any weather, climate and related environmental services dissemination of information has equal importance, without the same no one can use the system products to extract maximum benefits. Moreover, in case of emergency conditions, the key is to transmit the information as soon as possible as lead-time is a crucial component to act and take preventive measures. Hence under SAFAR we have developed various user-friendly dissemination platforms which can be accessed by any person without any barrier of space and time. Our dissemination tools includes dynamic professional web portal, Digital Display Board System (DDS) network, Integrated Voice Response Service (IVRS), communication through the traditional media like press release, media conferencing, TV, radio, generating SMS alerts, E-Mail alerts etc. This will improve awareness and helps in mitigation planning which can lead to achieving “better city, better environment, better life”. It will help to achieve “Faster, more inclusive and sustainable growth” which we are committed by rendering valuable input regarding services on air quality, weather, climate and harmful UV radiation.